Category: Cybersecurity

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) done right

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) done right Shahir Chundra, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons If you are working in any area which offers services to customers, you will have been hit with a request...

Let me help you navigate the Framework Jungle

Let me help you navigate the Framework Jungle Frameworks and Taxonomies, sometimes people try to sell you one but actually mean the other. It is a real jungle out there. Like always, let’s look...

Incident response playbooks, where to start?

Incident response playbooks, where to start?

Incident response playbooks, where to start? What goes on in your mind when you think about “Incident Response Playbooks”? Sgt. Mark Miranda, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Reading this, your background will most likely fit...

I ZeroTrust you to do anything else

I ZeroTrust you to do anything else

I ZeroTrust you to do anything else This blog post is inspired by a the Google Security Podcast by Anton Chuvakin and Timothe Peacock, they talked with Sharon Goldberg about ZeroTrust Cloud Security Podcast by...